Junk or Treasure?


The old saying still rings true: “One person’s junk is another’s treasure.” That is why it’s best to let professionals decide what to save and sell, or what to get rid of.  Never simply assume that your possessions are not valuable enough for an estate sale. There can be very good cash in everyday household items, plain furniture, daily dishware, and even things like old and rusty tools.  It is amazing what people will buy—everything from post cards and matches to car manuals and weight training equipment.  And again, when in doubt, consult with a professional.

Tips For a Successful Estate Sale


If you’ve been thinking about selling your own or a loved one’s possessions, consider doing so through an estate sale. To begin with though, find out if the stuff even warrants going through such a process. So, find a reputable estate sale professional to give you a valuation.   Sites like estatesales.net let you locate firms locally.  You’ll want to be sure any company you select carries liability insurance.   Also, ask for references you can check before making any kind of commitment.  Above all, do not throw away anything!  Sometimes, what may look like junk to you may be a treasure to someone else. Estate sale staffers are trained to know what is collectible and can assist you in determining what to discard or donate.